
Friday, April 25, 2008


Experts say sex abstinence program doesn't work (Reuters)

A young couple walking hand-in-hand cast a late afternoon shadow on a city street December 29, 2007. (Tim Wimborne/Reuters)Reuters - Programs teaching U.S. schoolchildren to abstain from sex have not cut teen pregnancies purchase bulk ginkgo biloba nutritional supplements sexually transmitted diseases or delayed buy wholesale ginkgo powder extrac age at which sex begins, health groups told Congress on Wednesday.

Why are omega- 3 fatty acids called essential fatty acids (EFA)?

The omega-3 group of fatty acids are called Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) simply because they are needed for a number of important physiological purposes and we do not have them our bodies. They are essential for our body yet our body cannot make them on its own. They have to be derived from seafood and plant food sources in our diet. These fatty acids can be found in marine life such as algae, salmon, tuna and cod. Certain plants and vegetables such as flax seed oil contain omega-3.

The daily recommended allowance is to have seafood at least twice a week and to choose salt water fish. The smelly buy wholesale cinnamon powder extract such as mackerel, sardines, kippers, anchovies and trout tend to be higher in omega-3 fatty acids. It is important to choose fish that are not contaminated with buy wholesale dl methionine metals such as lead and mercury. This is increasingly difficult or Grape Seed P impossible as nearly all our water ways and oceans are contaminated with these metals.

As seafood maybe expensive or difficult to get depending upon your geographical or financial situation so turning to fish oil in a capsule is the next most affordable and convenient way for most individuals. The other reason is that we can be almost sure that the fish oil in a capsule is free of contamination of heavy metals. This is where you must be prepared to take a look at the integrity of the company manufacturing the capsule as well as the manufacturing process put in place for the production of supplements and specially fish oil capsules.

It is important to take into consideration the source of your omega-3 and the manufacturing process behind the capsule. It is best to pick a company that manufactures to pharmaceutical grade for human consumption and has a double distilling process in place to remove heavy metals such as mercury and lead. Very few companies do this. Another important point is to see if the company is ranked highly by its peers in its industry and manufactures to Food and Authority (FDA) and pharmaceutical grade Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs). There are few companies that do and these can be found in a study called the 'Comparative Guide To Nutritional Supplements' by Lyle MacWilliam Bsc, Msc, FP. A copy could be purchased from Amazon books

The modern refining and hydrogenation processing of fish oil that must be done to allow for a longer shelf life has lead to the reduction of omega-3 fatty acids in commercially available buy wholesale trimethylglycine It is prudent that you pick an omega-3 fatty product that is safe from heavy metals as well as having a higher level of the necessary EPA and DHA fatty acids that you require for optimum health.

EPA : eicosapentaenoic acid

DHA: docosahexaenoic acid

What is the difference between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids?

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the development of our cells, especially good brain health and proper heart protection. These fatty acids are not produced in our bodies but rather must be taken from either fish or certain types of plants and vegetables. Green leafy vegetables, soy bean, tahini and homous are some good examples.

Omega-6 fatty acids are also derived from outside the bodies and mainly from vegetables. For vegetarians who avoid fish products omega-6 oil is the best option. The alpha linolenic acid present in vegetables are converted into EPA and DHA in our bodies. These fatty acids less concentrated that those of the omega-3 group. So if you are looking for optimum protection then the fatty acids from seafood is the most potent.

What is omega-3 good for?

Taking omega-3 daily will help reduce inflammatory diseases such as heart and diabetes. These essential group of fatty acids help improve brain development and strengthen the heart muscle. They help to reduce inflammation of the arteries. Omega-3 is known to help during pregnancy with the development of the baby's brain. Taking adequate amounts of omega 3 can help maintain good joint health.

Fatty acids help in the structural membranes of the cell. They help in the building blocks of important metablic compounds such as hormones. They also acts as a tranportation medium for fat soluble nutrients such as Vitamin A, D, E, and K.

Lack of omega-3 in the diet will result in the following symptoms to be seen: mood swings, depression, fatigue, tiredness, loss of memory, poor blood circulation and heart disease. The Benefits are huge.

Claude Fullinfaw is a successful publisher of nutritional secrets at My Healthy buy wholesale cinnamon powder extract where he provides more information on health and nurition for men, women and children and the benefits for health that you can research in your pyjamas on his website at My Healthy Supplement

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