
Saturday, August 9, 2008


Obesity seen protective in cases of heart failure (Reuters)

Reuters - Overweight and obese patients with heart failure seem to have a lower risk of dying than their normal-weight counterparts, according to a review of published studies involving more than 28,000 heart failure patients who were followed for an average of nearly three years.

When looking for an omega 3 fish oil supplement product, we are often advised to buy a molecularly distilled omega 3 product. But what exactly is molecular distillation and why is it important?

Oil extracted from animal tissues like fatty fish, krill and harp seal is not only rich in essential fatty acids like DHA and EPA, but it also contains certain impurities and contaminants in the form of heavy metals, methylsulfonylmethane msm and bacteria. These impurities need to be removed before this oil could be packaged into capsules or bottles to be consumed by people.

High-grade fish oil is prepared with the help of a vacuum distillation process which is commonly called molecular distillation. This is a purifying process which serves to remove all kinds of impurities and harmful substances from pure fish oil and usually renders it tasteless and odorless.

This refined fish oil is sometimes also called pharmaceutical grade fish oil. High grade oil is the one that contains heavy metals like lead and mercury to an bulk branch chain amino acids minimum. In addition to this, pharmaceutical grade fish oil is the one that contains more than 60% of DHA and EPA concentration. Supplements made from this fish oil are often termed as molecularly distilled omega 3 supplements.

If your omega 3 product is made from low-grade fish oil it might not be very effective. Furthermore, it may cause adverse side effects like stomach problems and other complications. In fact it can even worsen your condition if you already suffer from conditions like constipation, upset stomach, natural l-carnitine blood pressure and high cholesterol.

In addition to finding a molecularly distilled product also try to find omega 3 supplements made from the oil of hoki fish. This fish is found in New Zealand waters which are famous all over the world for their level of purity and hygiene. Hoki fish oil is therefore also pure and contains very low levels of impurities and heavy metals.

A quality of pharmaceutical grade fish oil or the one that is molecularly distilled is that it is tested in the laboratory by health specialists. Only after their approval this oil is packaged into capsules to be consumed by people of all ages.

Refined fish oil does not cause any kind of side effects or adverse health conditions. It is therefore safe to be consumed by children as well as adults.

John Collins is a content editor who focuses on a wide array of niche health topics. His latest website - Natural Dha Fish Oil focuses on omega 3 as a whole, and in particular, a natural product our editors personally use with excellent health results known as - Dha Esters

Be sure to check out our Omega 3 Dha Esters of choice, it is the natural supplement we use and recommend to friends and family, and have done for over 3 years.


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