
Friday, July 18, 2008


Salmeterol for asthma may cause serious events (Reuters)

Reuters - Patients with chronic asthma who use the salmeterol on a daily basis are at increased risk for serious adverse events, researchers conclude in the latest issue of The Cochrane Library.

Relacore, Cortislim, Cortidrene and Cortisol, Oh My! Do these terms actually mean something or do the founders just enjoy watching people squirm? I hope to give you a basic foundation that will help you to make the right decision about changing your lifestyle for the better the correct way.

Everyone knows that a persons diet, activity level, and genetics play a major role in a persons traditional weight but there is a much lesser known factor at play octacosanol dosages reviews side effects well. This lesser known fact is your stress level. Not only do some people eat more while under stress, they also react to what they eat differently. It is has been recently proven that one of the ways the human body responses to stress, is by producing excessive amounts of a nasty little stress hormone called cortisol. Cortisol has many functions. It helps the body to break down food for energy (metabolism), and it helps the body manage stress. Cortisol levels can be affected by many conditions, such as physical or emotional stress, strenuous activity, infection, or injury.

You probably know by now that your body has its own idea of what it should weigh and it can sometimes be very hard to convince it otherwise. There are many variables at play that cause someone to weigh what they do and there is defiantly not a lack of advice on how to change your bodies mind about what it should weigh. Relacore, Cortislim, Cortidrene, the list goes on and on. While there are many nutritional supplements out there to help you melt away the pounds, you must be very careful when choosing a product. It helps to understand the inner workings of your body before taking someones word on a product.

If you are interested in stress reducing products likeRelacore, visit We offer everything from generalnutritional supplements to products that target specific areas such asEnzyte.


Mississippi remains most obese state, CDC reports (AP)

Two versions; cut-and-paste graphic shows the top five and bottom five states? obesity prevalence with the option to incorporate own state; map shows state rankings; three sizes; 1c x 3 3/8 inches; 46.5 mm x 85.7 mm; 1c x 3 3/4 inches; 46.5 mm x 95.3 mm; 2c x 3 1/2 inches; 96.3 mm x 88.9 mmAP - The South tips the scales again as the nation's fattest region, according to a new government survey.

In the Mediterranean, when in the heart of the summer all wild greens arc dry and yellowish-brown in colour and thistles in blossom, a small plant with fleshy, reddish stems and thick succulent leaves is also in blossom. You can find it in gardens, under tomato, red pepper and marrow beds.

It is not known when this plant first naturalized in the Mediterranean. However, it was known to ancient Greeks since we have more than a dozen references in our hands today from Dioscurides, Galenus (Galen), and Pliny. The latter says that purslane can be used as "charm against all evil" Agapios Monachos the Cretan (15th C. AD) wrote, "It is cold and astringent.

The cultivated purslane is better than the wild; it stops stomach burning and Booths the intestines..." When consumed with food of high acidity, it can not be digested easily. It combines best with basil, garlic, cress, and piquant greens."

Dioscurides used purslane for ailments of the stomach and eyes. Galinus speaks of the excellent medicinal properties of purslane's juice. Currently, purslane is used in salads and rarely as medicine. In spite of this, recent medical research in Europe and the USA proved that the purslane is rich in linoleic acid which is cardiotonic.

Collect the tender purslane leaves and sprigs from locations that are in shade and with ample moisture. You can also find this plant in bunches in Mediterranean fruit markets. Keep refrigerated for 3-4 days.

Purslane grows in fields, flower pots and gardens all over Greece, Spain, Italy, Egypt, Morocco, Turkey, and India. It also grows from seeds. Sow from April to May and you will be able to collect three weeks later.

Chop finely and mix with tomatoes, cucumbers, rocket, onion and feta cheese for a very tasty salad. Purslane and yogurt is a refreshing salad popular in Turkey. A tasty dish is also chicken with fresh courgettes in tomato sauce mixed with purslane.

Herbs bulk ginkgo biloba leaf very essential in Ancient Greece and they were used in Ancient Greek Recipes. Generally, the Greek Products are famous for their nutritional value.


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