
Monday, July 21, 2008


Scientists find key brain circuits for attention (Reuters)

Reuters - Scientists have identified the brain circuits that play a key role in helping us pay attention, a finding that may help explain why things go wrong in diseases such as Alzheimer's and attention deficit disorders.

"What should I eat to slim down and remove my belly fat?" This question is perhaps most frequently asked by people who decide to get rid of extra pounds and go on a diet or weight loss program. Obviously, eating and losing inches around the waist is a very appealing idea, and everyone would like to know what those magic fat-burning foods are.

There are actually two points of view when it comes to losing abdominal fat through a diet. One is - there are no foods that can be considered fat-burning; certain foods can only help you lower your daily shark cartilage dosage reviews side effects intake, providing a good nutrient value at the same time. Combined with good exercise regimen, eating low calorie healthy foods can help burn belly fat more effectively. The other theory singles out certain types of food, which boost our metabolism and therefore are helpful in faster belly fat burning. Fat-burning antioxidant content in some foods also makes them the staples of any slimming diet.

However, both theories point at the importance of regular workouts targeting abdominal fat as well as overall body fat. In other words, eating "good" foods and avoiding "bad" is not a very effective solution for weight loss. Excess belly fat may appear due to a variety of reasons: genetics, inactive lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, hormonal disorder, etc. For best results, eating low calorie food alone is definitely not enough no matter what modern diets claim. In effective weight loss program healthy dieting is only one constituent among a variety of possible solutions, including specially designed workouts, colon hydrotherapy, slimming massage, and so on.

The foods that do contribute to faster belly fat loss include those low in fat and unhealthy carbs, lower in calorie density and higher in nutrients, unprocessed and 100% natural. Oatmeal is definitely one of the leading food contributors to weight loss. Ideally, it should be eaten plain, with no salt and sugar added, but many people just can't tolerate it as it is. You can enhance the taste by adding fresh or dried fruit or berries; honey makes a healthier alternative to sugar, in case you must sweeten your bowl of oatmeal.

Low-fat dairy products have also shown positive effects in weight loss programs. They are especially good for women, who generally require a higher dairy intake than men. Some studies show that calcium, contained in milk and milk products, is helpful in burning fat faster.

Whole grains, being healthy carbohydrates which our bodies can't do without, can be added to the list of fat-battling assistants. And of course, fruits and vegetables! No other food comes in a more natural and unprocessed form. Carrots, apples, tomatoes, spinach, oranges and mangoes are low in calories and packed with fiber and vitamins. Garlic is great in reducing the overall unhealthy fat level in the body.

In your determination to attack belly fat, don't forget that there are certain healthy fats, which are essential to our bodies. Olive oil is one of them. Omega 3 fatty acids found in many kinds of fish are another example. Eaten regularly and as plain as possible, both will support you on your way to flatter abs and complete your effective fat-burning diet.

For more articles on food and health look at this article on how to eat right for a healthy heart and this one on eating and headaches.


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